Convicted under article(s)
part 2 of article 28, part 7 of article 111-1Detention term
- 12 yearsAdditional information
In April 2022, while communicating by mobile phone with a person unidentified during the pre-trial investigation, Manakov, who was in the city of Lysychansk, Luhansk region, had an intention to provide illegal armed or paramilitary groups created in the temporarily occupied territory and armed groups of the aggressor state. Realizing this intent, Manakov, acting intentionally, unlawfully, by prior conspiracy, by a group of persons, pursuing a single intention aimed at providing voluntary consent, collected information on the territory of Lysychansk about the location of the military and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which he transferred to the person in question using a mobile phone, the materials in respect of which are allocated to a separate criminal proceeding.